產品問題 / Product quality issue










  • 若商品無法維修或無相同商品之庫存時將以等值商品進行更換。

  • 鏡框保固除外條件及說明事項

  1. 正常配戴使用之老舊及未適當保養所造成之耗損(如髒污、刮痕、生鏽、掉漆、水漬、鏡臂字體脫色...),不在保固範圍,但顧客可付費更換新零件。

  2. 人為因素使用不當、更改、濫用致產品受損者;故意、過失等人為損壞。

  3. 商品遺失。

  4. 鏡片屬產品耗材,除為出貨或寄送時造成損毀外,鏡片不涵蓋於保固範圍內。

  5. 維修之零件顏色與材料,RITE eyewear保有選擇權。

  6.  對於產品瑕疵認知有爭議時、皆保留由RITE eyewear判定是否為產品瑕疵的權力。





  • 7折優惠服務將依商品定價做計算。

  • 滿意保固除外條件及說明事項

  1. 產品已使用或因使用造成損壞之商品。

  2. 滿意保固期間內因人為因素使用不當、更改、濫用致產品受損者,不予與換貨。

  3. 對於產品瑕疵、使用程度認知有爭議時、皆保留由RITE eyewear判定是否換貨的權力。               

* 上述服務內容,RITE eyewear保有最終修改權利。 

The Warranty

The warranty extends only to the original purchaser of the product ; Frame Warranty lasts for 1 year from the date of original purchase and Satisfaction Warranty lasts for 1 month from the date of original purchase.

For claiming the warranty (Frame Warranty and Satisfaction Warranty), please fill out the form and we will contact you for the service.

Warranty Coverage

The Certificate of Quality must be stamped with RITE eyewear and marked the Date of Purchase.

If you purchased your product from third party retailers, please be sure to keep the proof of purchase for warranty support.


Frame Warranty

Within 1 year from the date of original purchase, RITE eyewear warrants the frame to be free of all manufacturing defects in material or workmanship. This warranty extends to the original buyer.

Within the warranty period, RITE eyewear will repair or replace free of charge, any part proving defective in material or workmanship of the frame.

  • If the product cannot be repaired or there is no inventory for replacement, RITE eyewear has the right to replace the product with equal value.   

  • Frame Warranty Exclusions:

  1. Any defects caused by normal wear, tear and improper care , such as dirt stain, scratch, rusty, paint off, water stain…etc., but customers can pay for the replacement.

  2. Any improper use, modification, accident, or intentional damages, such as special, incidental, or consequential damages, resulting from the use of the product.

  3. Frames that have been lost or stolen.

  4. Scratched lenses constitute normal wear and are not covered by the guarantee, unless the defect is present on the goods upon delivery.    

  5. For replacement of materials and components, RITE eyewear reserves the right to make the adjustment.

  6. RITE eyewear reserves the right to determine manufacturing defects and what qualifies under this warranty policy.


Satisfaction Warranty

If you are not satisfied with the product you purchased, you can claim the replacement within one (1) month from the date of original purchase and one person is limited to one replacement service.

If the product is damage due to improper use, modification, accident, or intentional damages, such as special, incidental, or consequential damages (excluding products that have been lost or stolen), the same product or the product with equal value can be purchased again at at 30% off price within one (1) year from the date of original purchase and one person is limited to one repurchase service.

  • 30% off price will be calculated based on the original commodity pricing.

  • Satisfaction Warranty (replacement service) Exclusions:

  1. Products are worn, used or damaged from use.

  2. Any improper use, modification, accident, or intentional damages, such as special, incidental, or consequential damages, resulting from the use of the product.

  3. RITE eyewear reserves the right to determine manufacturing defects and what qualifies under this warranty policy.      

 * RITE eyewear reserves the right to modify this warranty policy.